What is 'otherhearted?'
From the otherkin wiki: "Being otherhearted means that you have a strong fundamental connection with a species as opposed to as. It is often described as feeling as if they are your friends or family while not identifying either spiritually or psychologically as being the species yourself." Creatures you feel an otherhearted connection to are referred to as 'kithtypes.'
My kithtypes
My kithtypes include manticores, bears, rabbits, selkies, cats, and kitsune.
My bear and rabbit kithtypes developed over time due to my relationships with two specific spirit companions, a rex rabbit and a Kodiak brown bear.
My manticore kithtype developed from a combination of "that's how I feel" and a copinglink sona I used for a long time, basically up until I accepted I am otherkin and switched to a draconic sona.
I feel a special connection to shapeshifting beings because of my trans identity (as one of the first indicators that I was trans came in the form of dreams where I would be transformed into other beings) and selkies and kitsune are the two I feel closest to. Probably has something to do with the fact that seals and foxes are some of my favorite animals, as well as some of the lore. (Kind of funny that these two beings are both known to typically turn into women and I am transmasc.)
I have no explanation for my cat kithtype other than I've felt it since I was a small child and my life feels emptier when I do not have at least one cat.